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Duration = 30min


Being guided innately by spirit and her own inner wisdom Jacinta has no fixed formula in using her traditional tarot, assorted oracle cards, healing tools, and light language. Consultation with Jacinta is unique for you as she helps you navigate old stories, other lives, and genetic influences.


Jacinta is highly sensitive to energy, which enables her the ability to assess where the disharmony is in your body/field, and what needs to be done in order to restore peace and balance within.


As an Energy Alchemist, an individual who can help you transform things for the better, Jacinta will help you identify and consciously understand what is impacting you, and how to let whatever it is go. Possible inside and outside influences impacting you:

  • people (whether they are living or not);
  • places you have visited, your home, workplace etc;
  • other-lifetimes or existences (some people use past-lives, however this term has become limiting as understanding of the universe has evolved);
  • karmic and genetic behavioural patterns or ties can materialise as the energy of not being worthy, attracting unhealthy relationships etc. Karmic influences are when you come into this lifetime with baggage from an other lifetime, and genetic influences is when a negative emotion of a past relative travels down your family tree;
  • other dimensions, realities, non-beneficial energies, spells, curses, contracts etc


For more information Jacinta utilises a combination of:

  • Traditional and Non-Traditional Reiki,
  • The Melchizedek Method,
  • Esoteric Acupuncture,
  • Medical Intuition,
  • Selenite Swords of Light 
  • Additional informational may be brought forward through Psychic, Mediumship, Trance Channelling, Spirit Guides, Genetic and Other-Lives, Sounds of Light Language as guided during the session.


All services are online through FaceTime until further notice.


Please make your payment either:

- checkout, or

- scanning the QR code, or

- follow this link 


Then contact Jacinta to secure your booking time. Thank you.

Medical Intuition Reading/Healing 30min

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